


650名患者在医院周五,1月22.20婴儿进入了世界在周末,包括杰克逊亚伯拉罕弗林。杰克逊直到3月才到达,但他决定,相反,让他的外观的最佳时机是在暴风雨中。午夜后(在周日凌晨),劳拉·弗林称为9-1-1当她的羊水破了。十五分钟后,救护车来到他们的角落,但是司机不让它弗林的房子。所以,劳拉和她的丈夫走到车,但到那时,救护车被困在雪地里。当然不是准备放弃,医护人员呼吁国民警卫队的帮助,抵达现场,这对夫妇MedStar华盛顿医院中心。杰克逊出生在周日早上8,1月24日。因为他还为时过早,他正在照顾新生儿重症监护室,但他做得很好,家庭是期待回家,在耕种的街道上。(劳拉最初计划交付杰克逊在另一家医院,但当她叫医生,星期天的上午,他告诉她去医院中心!)近350名患者照顾在暴雪在急诊室。Nearly 700 physicians, nurses and associates from every department were on-site all weekend to provide care.Fifty Food and Nutrition Services team members served 1,248 breakfasts on Saturday alone and served up 50 gallons of hot cocoa on Saturday night so that their colleagues could enjoy a little camaraderie.Three National Guard officers housed at the Hospital Center because they needed a place in the area to stay.100% of the hospital’s Protective Services officers made it to work to ensure everyone’s safety.When our cot supply ran low on Friday night, a team of associates went out late that evening to pick up extras from the Target in nearby Columbia Heights. Many thanks to Assistant VP, Desi Griffin, who located the cots, and to Ben Holly, Materials Management, Stephen Willson, Information Systems, and officers from Protective Services – Chris Henderson, Vincent Walker and Darrell Johnson – who braved the weather to get the cots. Also many thanks to the team at our local Target, who kept the store open until we could get there. That’s community and hospital SPIRIT!Our Central Patient Transport team had 17 associates stay overnight last night, and they took it upon themselves to find and clean a number of stretchers so colleagues around the hospital would have a bed for the night. Thanks to Jamal Williams, Ronald Hall, Aaron Phillips, George Samspon, Damien Brooks, Monae Bullock, Kimberly Dandridge, Dominique Grant, Brandon Smith, Elijah Young, Alethea Hicks, Ryan Owens, Isis Stephens Vincent Murphy, Malcolm Green, Otis Garner, Joel Anthony and Taeko Clark – and to their supervisor Che Brown, Jr. And Emily Metzger, physical therapist, and Tim McGrath, occupational therapist, were among many hospital associates who walked more than a mile to the hospital to make sure patients received the care they needed.




