

关于LIT Health,我们将通过与作者,医疗保健领导者和政策制定者的访谈来在医疗保健现状下面点燃大火,以创造公平,透明的医疗保健环境,并欢世界杯欧洲区附加赛迎每个患者的需求 - 尤其是我们脆弱的人的需求包括精神疾病的人群,有色人种和觉得自己在我们当前的系统,老年人以及感到偏见或ISM的任何人都受到威胁的女性,会影响其健康和生活质量。加入我们,抢火!我们想听听床架,法庭和过道两边的听众与健康相关的故事。图标:附件



在这次LIT Health的首发中,主持人Tracy Granzyk与Hastings Center的作家兼高级顾问Rosemary Gibson一起加入了。The pair discuss Rosemary’s most recent book, China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine, which highlights the centralization of globally supplied medicines in a single country and the implications of this in the event of a global pandemic, natural disaster, or geopolitical event. Published in 2018, China Rx has been recognized as prophetic in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Rosemary’s expertise has subsequently been sought by the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, the CIA, and all fifty states’ emergency preparedness directors.


与罗纳德·怀亚特(Ronald Wyatt世界杯欧洲区附加赛)博士在医疗保健中的结构性种族主义



与作家Deanne Stillman一起找到“屠杀中的恩典”

Author Deanne Stillman, a widely published, critically acclaimed writer of literary nonfiction joins Tracy on the podcast today to discuss Deanne’s 2001 work Twentynine Palms, an LA Times bestseller and Best Book of the Year, which Hunter Thompson called “a strange and brilliant story by an important American writer,” and which was re-released in 2021 by Angel City Press. Twentynine Palms tells the story of the murders of Mandi Scott and Rosalie Ortega by Marine Valentine Underwood, recently returned from the Gulf War. Through this tragedy, the book takes a deep look at socioeconomic health disparities through the lives of those who choose to call the desert home, living in the shadows of the world’s largest Marine base at the edge of Joshua Tree National Park. Tracy begins the episode by talking about Twentynine Palms’ relevance to healthcare, pointing out its focus on social determinants of health, specifically the poverty that underlies the book’s desert community.


与戴维·梅耶(David M世界杯欧洲区附加赛ayer)博士一起走向医疗保健安全

在这一集《 LIT Health》中,Tracy由MedStar质量与安全研究所执行董事David Mayer博士加入,他领导质量和安全计划,以支持发现和学习以及将创新方法应用于运营临床挑战。戴夫(Dave)是培训和激情的医学教育者的心脏麻醉师,在过去的三十年中,他一直在为更安全的医疗保健提供环境而战,并最近担任患者安全运动基金会的首席执行官,在那里他领导了全球患者的安全工作和六十六十六十一名倡议世界杯欧洲区附加赛四个国家和4,800多家医院。他的回忆录《进入医疗保健系统时如何保持安全:一名医生在全国范围内走动以提高改善医疗保健安全的需世界杯欧洲区附加赛求,并于今年10月推出,并记录了他在2020年的流行病中的行走 - 他使所有人都关注持续需求,以确保医疗保健对患者和提供者的安全。世界杯欧洲区附加赛两人讨论了这本书是如何呼吁人们开始崛起并询问其国会领导人和他们的政客的呼吁。世界杯欧洲区附加赛他的旅程的亮点包括被失去亲人的患者和家庭加入,以预防医疗伤害,并通过访问全国各地的美国职业棒球大联盟的热爱,以使他在我们历史上最艰难的岁月中保持动力。